
School of Arts and Media


The School of Arts and Media, founded in July 2011, is a comprehensive liberal arts institution with three disciplines of Management Science, Literature and Arts. The School offers six four-year undergraduate programs including Art Design (Visual Communication, Environmental Art and Industrial Modeling Design are its three orientations), Animation, Administration, Advertising, Chinese Language and Literature and Cultural Industry Management. Communications, Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature and Art Design are the three collegiate characteristic specialities under construction.

The School,is a well-balanced teaching, research and social services team in age, title and degree, comprising 61 staff members with 48 full-time teachers. Among them there are 14 with academic title of full professors or associate professors accounting for 30% and 17 doctors (PhD candidates included) accounting for 36%, and all the teachers have obtained master’s degrees.

Currently, there are nearly 1,500 undergraduates in the School. The School attaches more importance to comprehensively cultivating students’ knowledge, competence and quality. It has studios of Pottery, Printing, Video and Modeling, laboratories of Photography, Video and Broadcast, Animation, Administration, Advertising, Cultural industry and etc., institutions of Press Distribution and Marketing, Hubei Modern Regional Culture and one research centre for Media and Cultural Industry Development.

Scientific research has also made breakthrough progress in the past three years. Over 30 monographs and textbooks and more than 260 papers have been published. The School has received over 60 research grants, including 4 National Social Science Foundation of China projects, 4 Humanity and Social Science Research Program from Ministry of Education, 3 Social Science Foundation of Hubei projects, 2 Social Science Foundation of Wuhan projects, over 20 Scientific and Technological Research Programs and Humanity and Social Science Research Program, Hubei Province. The researchers, making full use of various favorable conditions of the School, have made great achievements and won many teaching and scientific research prizes at provincial and municipal level and received scientific research funds of more than 600 thousand RMB.

The School sticks to the educational ideology of putting students’ development and teaching quality first. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and “Three Represents”, taking discipline construction as the lead, teaching as the center, construction of the teachers’ team as the basis, management innovation as the means and characteristics as the incentive to survive and develop, we will seize every opportunity to strive for a great transition in discipline construction, and form our own school-running characteristics and leading edges.

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